Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First time in Masai Mara

Masai Mara has always been amazing place to many. No matter how many times you've been there. Many says you will always find something different from the previous visit. Many comes here for the great migration of the gnus, some for the big five and the list is endless. The place has much to offer for everyone. No matter the age, race or religion. Many are those who fall in love with Masai Mara the first time they visit the place.
My first time in Masai Mara i was in form two and we had gone there as group. Members of Wildlife Club. We camped at sand river ( on the border between Kenya and Tanzania.) for two days. The first day was fun; we took a shallow swim on the few waters remaining on the river because it was dry season. The fun, exiting, scaring part, was when it was time for us to hit the sleeping bag. No one wanted to sleep on either side of the tent. Just in case lions decide to feed on us, you don't want to be the first one to go. he he he. So struggle it was until me and the like decided to stop it. If it was meant to be then, then it was. Death will find you anywhere anyway :) .
Sometimes early in the morning, lions decided to wake us all. Like i mentioned earlier, we had pitched camp just beside the river. You can imagine how afraid we were are. The deafening roaring sound made by the territorial males. I swear i could hear my friend teeth's shaking; not that i wasn't afraid myself, but was sure nothing would happen to us. The rangers were withing the range and the fire was still lighting.
Second day was much better because we all had accustom to the place and the game drives we took we so amazing. It was my first time to see an elephant at a close range. Talk of a moving house. That was my description. The lions, countless gnus, impalas, Thomson gazelles and zebras. It was my dream come true.
I knew i would be in this industry when i was 10yrs old. Thanks to my uncle. He has been my role model since and i have never looked back. During admission in high school, the deputy principal asked me what i want to be in live and when i told him i want to be a professional safari guide, he was shocked. Everyone was all about doctor, engineer, lawyer etc. I was the unique one.
Well my belove people, thats why i love adventure, traveling and anything that involves out door activity.



  1. mara every one is talking about it i wish to and see the beauty of the place am tired of stories

  2. will take you there myself dea...just matter of time. I promise.
